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August 17 2009 1 17 /08 /August /2009 13:14

Interesting how powerless we think we are when it comes to eating out. Fear and cold sweat suddenly take over us as we imagine this “food monster” tying us down on the chair at some Italian eatery and forcing an excessive amount of food down our throat  :)

It's like "I travel a lot so it’s hard to eat healthy on the road”, “I’m going on holidays so scared I’m going to gain back what I lost”, “When I go out with friends, it's difficult not to eat like them"… 


It’s summer time... vacation time... thought I would help you "get back in charge" so you finish the summer without too much damage! :)

Here's the reality. When it comes to eating out, you're in charge! So how about taking your own power back! Simple. Be aware and mindful of the reasons why you make different choices, wise choices, and ask yourself the following questions "How will I feel after I have eaten that? Will it bring me closer to my weight and health goals? Are the short-term pleasures worth the «too stuffed, guilt feelings» that will follow?” 

Since this isn't about dieting, you should enjoy eating out whether on holidays
or not! To indulge once or twice a week, or away on a vacation is part of a balanced life-style. It's just a matter of negotiating and compromising. You've got to have a game plan and think ahead, with as much care as if preparing for a holiday or a golf game.   

Nutritionist Sophia Pachella has a wonderful list of suggestions that I really believe will help you enjoy eating out without guilt.


And remember, if you over-indulge, burn it out! Just go for an extra walk, or whatever works for you.   

Here's to living in health and passion!


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  • : Isabelle Health Coach
  • : Inspire and motivate people to get to their best and healthiest self by choosing highly nutritional food for increased energy, vibrancy and optimal body composition. Eat less, but more often, and move!!
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