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March 5 2010 6 05 /03 /March /2010 13:21

I am finally back, reporting on my second month of the Juice Feasting experience.

I have to tell you, I am hooked for life on Juice Feasting and hope to get you as excited and motivated as I am so that you’ll want to try it for yourself!   


Juicing is now part of my daily “beauty regimen”.  As I mentioned in last month’s blog, I noticed a slight plumping effect to my skin, and others commented that my skin had a  radiant glow within a short time after drinking my juice.  It gives me a sudden burst of increased energy, and has become my pre-workout food of choice – a highly nutritional elixir that beats any sports drink on the market!!  Lately, I have started to add 2 flash frozen wheat grass cubes in my juices, so you can imagine how powerfully healthy this juice of mine has become.  


People who know me are well aware that I am passionate about the subject of sugar, and its negative impact on our body, from obesity and Type 2 diabetes, to metabolic syndrome.  ‘’It’s The Sugar…Honey’’ has become my maxim!  I have come to realize in the past month that a significant part of my professional work, as a Health Coach and Lifestyle Educator, is increasingly becoming focused on issues regarding Type 2 diabetes, from the prevention of it to reversing it.  My musings on the subject of juicing will certainly keep this growing problem in mind.


Last month, I was bombarded with questions from several people, including blog readers, about Juice Feasting, so I thought I would share with you a few details about my juicing experience.


Being somewhat of a creature of habit, like many of you, I always use the same two glasses to drink my juices.  More precisely, they both have 16 ounce (500ml) capacities, one is a simple, clear water glass which I use before my morning workout or dance lesson.  If I happen to have both boot camp and dance on the same day, I drink the same amount twice, in that same glass.  I often talk about celebrating life with the simplest gestures, so I use the other glass, a beautiful wine goblet, and sip my green elixir as if it were a cocktail or a fine wine.  I do this on afternoons when I have to write a great deal and I need the “creative juices” to flow. 


The type of juicer you buy truly matters.  Make sure you do your research beforehand and buy the type of juicer that will serve you best.  If it’s a high maintenance, manual type of juicer, and you are a busy person, you are not going to juice for very long.  Buy the very best you can afford but make sure it is really sturdy, easy to use and even easier to clean. Read the instructions before you start operating it.  This is really important and PLEASE don’t do as I did.  I bought the juicer and threw away the instructions, so confident was I that I knew it all.  After a few messy juicing sessions, when the juicer was spitting the fiber all over my kitchen, my ‘’wheat grass guy’’ showed me the importance of that silly little piece of plastic I had set aside and ignored but was so crucial in keeping everything flowing down into the container.


Start slowly, then as you become more adept and more habituated, increase the amount of juicing.  Since one of the numerous benefits of juicing greens is its detoxifying properties, drinking 16 to 24 ounces daily might be a bit much for you at first.  This is  especially true if you have not detoxified before - the toxins wanting to come out all at the same time can create ‘’strong’’ reactions… It’s better to start slowly, that way, you will be more likely to stick with it and make it part of your daily routine.        


Use it all!!  The neat thing about juicing is that you can put the fiber (pulp) that comes out at the other end of your juicer to a multitude of uses.  If you are one of the growing numbers of raw foodies, you already know that you can dehydrate that wonderful pulp to make raw bread or crackers.  With organic vegetables and herbs including leafy greens, beets, cucumber, celery, red or yellow peppers, ginger, mint and green apples I created the most beautiful, aromatic and colorful combinations of pulp imaginable.  I thought they would make an incredible raw soup, but it would have to be fast and easy.  I came up with a scrumptious soup recipe that is ready in minutes, and all in the blender (I would be pleased to share the recipe with you)!  I often have a bowl of it as a snack!!  You can eat it cold, slightly lukewarm (to keep its raw structure), or if you have had your quota of raw elixir, simply use it to make a regular soup.  If you juice every day, you can freeze the pulp for later use, or simply put it in your compost. Your garden will thank you.


Be sure to visit your local organic markets to get the freshest and healthiest produce possible.


Here are a few useful links to help you get started.


Angela Leeds,  http://www.live-green-smoothie-diet.com/category/juicing-fresh-juice/ has a wonderful section on juices.  If you have glucose issues, please remember to stick to low glycemic fruits such as green apples to sweeten your juices.

Angela is also an expert on juicers, so please don’t hesitate to ask her for suggestions before you invest in one.


Here in Cabo, Jose Lima, http://www.wheatgrassloscabos.com/ a local sprouts and wheat grass producer also sells juicers, and fresh or flash frozen wheat grass.


So fill up your favorite glass with this exquisite elixir and let’s make a toast to your better health…


Happy juicing!


Yours in vibrant health,



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January 25 2010 2 25 /01 /January /2010 04:51


I often refer to everything we eat and drink as either the ‘’hi-test fuel’’ that gives us energy, vibrancy, and a healthy lean body …or the ‘’lo-grade fuel’’ that drains us, makes us lethargic and adds excess fat that stubbornly just doesn’t go away!   As a fervent advocate of eating highly nutritious food which I describe as the “premium high octane fuel” that our body needs to heal and prevent diseases, I decided to try out the Juice Feasting experience.


I first became interested in Juice Feasting after reading an article in the Fresh Network Blog, which featured the work of a very progressive cancer clinic called the Oasis Of Healing.   This clinic is located in a quiet residential district in Mesa, Arizona and is the inspiration of its founder, Dr.Thomas Lodi, M.D.   According to this article, Oasis of Healing is the only cancer clinic in the United States that integrates a regimen of raw foods juices, and detoxification into its cancer treatments.  Most patients arriving at the clinic take part in a three-week green juice feast in which they drink three or more quarts [litres] of fresh green juice a day.  This floods the patient’s body with vast amounts of phyto-nutrients and minerals, amounts greater than what the average person would consume in two years! 


The pigment in dark greens is chlorophyll and at the centre of each chlorophyll molecule is a magnesium ion. Magnesium is a highly alkalinizing mineral, and some studies have shown that cancer is an acidic condition.  According to Dr. Lodi, if you’re drinking several quarts of this green elixir every day, which still has its bioelectric charge, your body is being restored to a condition in which it can heal.


This article got me seriously thinking about the benefits of ingesting large amounts of greens in my own daily life. It is a known fact that eating dark greens cleanses, rebuilds, hydrates and alkalinizes the body.  Recent studies have also shown that these dark greens also increase life expectancy and offer the potential for remission in cancer patients. Imagine what only one glass a day would do for PREVENTION!    


I resolved to put my body to the test and started a partial Juice Feast on January 4th .  Partial means I only drink 1 to 2 litres (quarts) of raw green juice daily (remember, it’s usually double that amount for a full Juice Feast), typically from the time I get up to approximately 1 p.m., then I go on to my usual healthy meals.  Why did I choose to make it only a partial experience?  Because my aim is to inspire and motivate the mass, and I wanted to make this an experience that the average person could undertake successfully and not be overwhelmed by it.       


Organic vegetable growing season is in full swing in Cabo at the moment, and this makes it an ideal time when greens of all sorts are in abundance.  My green juices typically contain an armful of kale, Swiss chard , spinach, parsley, with a base of cucumber, celery and other dark greens, and some ginger.  I also add low-glycemic fruits  such as lime plus pears or green apples to enhance the flavour.  Why low glycemic fruits?  because when you remove the fiber from any fruit, it becomes 100% sugar, and the body does not make the distinction between sugar from fruits and refined sugar.  Sugar…is sugar…is sugar…honey!      


I couldn’t believe the benefits I experienced after only two days on my Juice Feast.  Here are but a few of those benefits:


*An increased amount of energy (as if that were possible for those of you who know me), which significantly improved both performance and endurance at boot camp, and during my dancing lessons.

*An improvement in my skin tone, softness and glow.

*A clearer mind and a better ability to focus.

*It even cleared up the inflammation I had in one eye before starting this program.


What was also interesting to me was the almost instant feeling of lightness I experienced from ingesting raw green juice.  It stands to reason. I’m giving my digestive system a break!   When I started again on solid food in the afternoon, I immediately recognized the effects of different types of foods on my digestive system.  It has certainly made me even more conscious (like that word ) of the reasons why I want to integrate more raw food in my diet as a result


More about Juice Feasting in next week’s blog.


In vibrant health!



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December 21 2009 2 21 /12 /December /2009 22:45
There is New Years Eve count down...and then there is "I'm going to eat and drink all that I can before I start my diet in the New Year" count down. 

And the many people with this mind set will typically end up gaining 5 to 10 extra pounds during the Holiday Season.  It's like wanting to dig a hole in the garden, but dump a truck load of dirt on top before you start digging...insane isn't it??

It's Christmas Eve, and I thought I would share some of my favorite tips to help you enjoy the Holidays, while minimizing the "damage to repair" in the New Year!

*Eat before you head out!  This really works!  I typically have a bowl of soup, or a protein shake.  It will keep you from eating everything in sight when you get to the party.

*Get your mind "off" food and "on" to people!  Once you have eaten enough, which is before you get that heavy feeling of fullness, get away from the food table and into conversations with people.  Makes for a much more interesting time! 

*If there is music, move!  Dancing (my favorite!!) will help you burn the excess calories you just ate, and totally lifts the spirit!

*It isn't your last meal!  So try not to eat like it is.  Just ask yourself before you "dive in": "Is the very short term pleasure worth the long term disappointment, and will what I am about to do bring me closer or further from my weight loss goal?".   

*1 water for 1 alcohol drink!  I typically ask for a glass of water at the same time I order a drink, so this way I don't forget.  You usually end up drinking less, and it will keep you from dehydrating and from "the morning after" headache!

*Be mindful of mixed drinks!  They are often loaded with sugar and a ton of calories.  A frozen margarita can easily amount to up to 900 calories!  If I am going to have a margarita, I order it on the rocks with fresh lime, no salt, no sugar (that liquid agave syrup) and a dash of orange juice.  You can also dilute the calories in wine by ordering a wine spritzer, or choose a light beer which contains only 50 calories per bottle.

*If you over indulge, burn it off!  Walk it off!!  With the dog, with the kids, with friends...your ipod...what ever turns you on.  Just burn it off!

The greatest gift you can give yourself this Holiday Season is to get off the diet roller coaster...stop the count down to insanity, and think change of lifestyle instead, one step at a time! 

I leave  you with one of my favorite quotes by Robin Sharma: "Small, daily progress, overtime produces outstanding results!"  

Have a magical Holiday Season!

In health and well being,


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August 17 2009 2 17 /08 /August /2009 13:14

Interesting how powerless we think we are when it comes to eating out. Fear and cold sweat suddenly take over us as we imagine this “food monster” tying us down on the chair at some Italian eatery and forcing an excessive amount of food down our throat  :)

It's like "I travel a lot so it’s hard to eat healthy on the road”, “I’m going on holidays so scared I’m going to gain back what I lost”, “When I go out with friends, it's difficult not to eat like them"… 


It’s summer time... vacation time... thought I would help you "get back in charge" so you finish the summer without too much damage! :)

Here's the reality. When it comes to eating out, you're in charge! So how about taking your own power back! Simple. Be aware and mindful of the reasons why you make different choices, wise choices, and ask yourself the following questions "How will I feel after I have eaten that? Will it bring me closer to my weight and health goals? Are the short-term pleasures worth the «too stuffed, guilt feelings» that will follow?” 

Since this isn't about dieting, you should enjoy eating out whether on holidays
or not! To indulge once or twice a week, or away on a vacation is part of a balanced life-style. It's just a matter of negotiating and compromising. You've got to have a game plan and think ahead, with as much care as if preparing for a holiday or a golf game.   

Nutritionist Sophia Pachella has a wonderful list of suggestions that I really believe will help you enjoy eating out without guilt.


And remember, if you over-indulge, burn it out! Just go for an extra walk, or whatever works for you.   

Here's to living in health and passion!


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June 20 2009 7 20 /06 /June /2009 01:50
I was wondering what topic I would choose for my very first blog… I have so much to talk about… not that I wanted to bring up the swine flue issue  – or media-influenza for lack of a better word! Like the world needed another “Shot of Fear”. But sadly enough, the reason I chose this title is because I believe more people will be tempted to read on. The media, in its brilliance, has figured it out quite a while back. We have become “Fear Junkies”, and it amazes me that we continue to feed on it! If it is true that “what we focus on expends”, I believe the time has come to snap out of the fear mode. Don’t get me wrong, this was a potentially serious issue that needed a serious dose of care and prevention. But it ended up creating more collateral damage then anything else, which brings me to the word: PRE-VENTION. Why do we wait for a crisis to think of preventative measures? 

When subtle messages don’t work the universe, in it’s kindness, sends us stronger ones… the ones we don’t like… the ones that make us panic, and maybe finally motivate us to make “POSITIVE CHANGES”. 

Of course there is a parallel here. I hear a lot of people saying: “…It’s so hard to stick to healthy eating habits and exercise…” My answer to you is: it’s so easy to give up! My girlfriend says “I can come up with 20 reasons, between the time I get out of bed and go to the bathroom, not to go out and walk first thing in the morning.” We are prisoners of our own habits, and we too often have to be stricken by sickness, disease and fear to make the changes. I also think that living in abundance sometimes cripples us, makes us weak and undisciplined. We find it hard to commit to healthy eating habits and exercise in part because we are too busy, we have too much to choose from, too much to resist and not enough appreciation for the world we live in.

My brother Richard gets it! He just turned 50 last month, and he has a 6-pack that is the envy of a lot of people (he literally does lol), which he has managed to maintain pretty well for the past 25 years! So I asked him a couple of weeks ago what his secret was, and if it get’s easier with time.  Here’s what he said: “I started to work out in my 20’s to manage the stress of an hectic job, then liked the way it made me feel and look. But even after all these years, it’s a hard thing to consistently do – see there is no secret, you just have to do it… you just have to “kick your butt” out the door – but it’s all worth it!”

You don’t do it because it’s easy…but because it’s wise.



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  • : Isabelle Health Coach
  • : Inspire and motivate people to get to their best and healthiest self by choosing highly nutritional food for increased energy, vibrancy and optimal body composition. Eat less, but more often, and move!!
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